In this article, we will discuss whether David Laid takes steroids or he is natural?
He is very popular online and all the credit goes to bodybuilding. There are many people who criticize him and blame him for juicing, so, let’s find out the truth.
Does David Laid Take Steroids or Is He Natural?
David Laid is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and social media influencer. He was born in Estonia on January 29, 1998. As of 2020, he is just a young athlete of 22 years old.
He instantly shot to fame after uploading a video on YouTube, where he showed his fitness journey and transformation.
In that video, he showed how he went from a petite guy to a total bodybuilder. The video begins by showing his initial stats and ends with the final result.
He was just 5 ft 7 inches tall with 98 lbs at the beginning of the video. By the end of the video, he not only gained weight but also grew taller. His final result was 6 ft 2 inches with 190 lbs.
…This is the reason why his video has been viewed millions of times.
His transformation is inspiring millions of people worldwide because if a petite anorexic-looking boy can change himself into a bodybuilder then anybody can do it.
You just need patience, motivation, consistency, and a good trainer.
David’s online popularity has helped him gain over a million followers on Instagram. This obviously helped him get sponsorship deals and other projects.
He even got a sponsorship deal from GymShark for which he had to star alongside some very popular bodybuilders like Steven Cao, Ryan Terry, and Steve Cook. Therefore, bodybuilding and fitness modeling is helping him earn money as well.
Let’s take a look at his workout routine…
David Laid – Workout Routine
There is no doubt, David is amazingly shredded, but along with that, he is also very strong.
This is what he does to maintain his physique:
- Deadlift (sumo) – 635 lbs
- Bench Press – 390 lbs
When he was just 17 years old, at that time also, he was doing bench press – 315 lbs. That was a lot!
David Laid is one of those bodybuilders who has the best overall proportions. But, is he natural or he uses steroids?
Let’s find out reality…
David Laid – Steroid Reality
He is not huge. The biggest indication of steroid use is that the bodybuilder becomes huge or massive, but that is not the case with David.
So, is it possible that David Laid is natural?
Yes. Looking like that and getting those overall body proportions naturally is possible.
His body responded well to his workouts because he started early while still being in the growth phase and also his genetics helped him.
Unlike David, if you have just average genetics, still you can look like him if you do extensive training for years.
Keep in mind, consistency, and dedication is extremely important if you want to achieve your goals.
If you take a closer look at David’s physique then you will notice that he does not have a lot of muscle mass but he is extremely shredded. That makes him look aesthetically good and it looks like he has got really big arms.
However, just because you can transform your body naturally like David, that does not mean he is natural. So, let’s check out the truth.
Is David Laid Natural?
David Laid confirms that he does not take steroids. He has denied using steroids.
A lot of top bodybuilders take steroids but they never openly accept or deny using it.
On the other hand…
David has openly denied using steroids. He even said that it took him 3 years to transform his body naturally. Therefore, he claims to be natty.
In fact, in one of his videos, he spoke on the topic of steroids… that’s shows, he is committed to being a natural bodybuilder.
One of his fans asked him a question, “Do you think you will ever use steroids?”
David replied to him saying, “In my opinion, I don’t think it’s worth trying at any point really.”
However, just because someone is denying something that does not really mean that they don’t do it… unless it is confirmed official by an authority.
Another very interesting thing about David is that in the video, he says that, “taking steroids, does not mean that you are a bad person”.
We totally agree with that because obviously, it’s your body, your choice. But, saying that you are natural while taking steroids does make you a bad person, and that is why it’s important to know the truth.
Also, David backed steroids in a way by saying that “they are neither good nor bad“.
Almost all athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts know how bad and harmful steroids are for your body. They can be so dangerous that they can give long-term side effects and after-effects.
They can cause liver and kidney problems, and they are just toxic in general. In the long-term, they can cause more harm than good to your body. This is the reason why they are illegal and banned in many countries.
David Condemns Steroid-Users
According to David, there are two types of steroid-users who should be condemned:
- When you participate in competitions where drug-testing is done.
- You claim to be natty when you actually use steroids just to sell products.
Now, David is not among these two types because:
- He does not sell any products, he does sponsorship deals instead.
- He does not compete in any championships.
However, we still need more evidence to confirm that David is natty.
Half Natty
This is one of the most interesting things, David has denied using steroids but during the Arnold Classic Expo, he came wearing a hoodie that had “Half Natty” written on it.
So, what does that mean? Is he trying to indicate something?
Half Natty can be interpreted in two ways:
- You were taking steroids earlier but now you are natural.
- You are taking a very little amount of steroids.
But it clearly indicates one thing that you are not 100% natural.
So, if a bodybuilder is natty then why will he give doubtful indications like this?
Also, keep in mind that “Half Natty” is a clothing brand.
Matt Ogus is the founder of this brand. As far as Matt is concerned, he was also skinny like David, and then he became super shredded. This could also lead to steroid use. But, we are not 100% sure.
Steroid Symptoms
Steroids always leave physical signs on the body of the user. This makes it easy to conclude whether a person is natural or not.
On David Laid’s body, there are no obvious steroid symptoms.
- No gyno
- No bloating
However, sometimes when he is in and out of the gym his muscles look much fuller than they normally look.
This could indicate steroids as they increase fluid retention and makes your muscles look more full and pumped.
Gains Timeline
Taking a look at the gains timeline of a bodybuilder helps in finding out whether he has used steroids or not.
All you have to do is just look at the before and after images of the person.
Initially, when a person starts lifting weights, he gains somewhere around 20 lbs. This is called “newbie gains”.
After that, it becomes difficult for the body to change drastically. So, you gain very slowly.
Now, if during this time also, the person keeps gaining rapidly then it could be because he is juicing.
In the below picture, you can see David’s progress during a time period of 6 years.
It is obvious with this image that he has not gained just 20 lbs, in fact, it looks like he has gained around 70 lbs of muscles.
In the picture above, you can see that it is a transformation of six years and that was during his growth phase.
So, taking all the evidence into consideration, it can be possible that he has used steroids in the past and he is not 100% natty.
Also, he thinks steroids are not bad for you, and using them does not make you a bad person. In addition, the “Half Natty” hoodie can be an indication.
DISCLAIMER – We are neither claiming that David Laid uses steroids nor that he is 100% natural.
Best Steroid Alternative
We never advise you to use steroids because we know that they are dangerous for your health.
If you want to gain muscle mass then you can use a steroid alternative.
To get muscle mass like David Laid then you can try out the Dianabol alternative.
Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that helps in building muscles and making them fuller. The best Dianabol alternative available today is Crazybulk D-bal.
It is 100% natural and legal. You can use it without any fear as it does not cause side effects. It doesn’t even cause problems with your test results.
Crazybulk D-bal gives amazing results rapidly without any health issues. It is made from powerful ingredients that are safe for use.