Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine

Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine – Yes, we are going to discuss that in this article. Celebrities always look so big and superhuman like onscreen, so, what’s their secret? How can regular people achieve that kind of physique?

Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine

In this article, we are going to discuss all of Ryan Reynolds’s fitness secrets in detail. It won’t be a secret anymore.

Ryan Reynolds – Current Stats

  • Height – 6’2″ (188 cm)
  • Weight – 185 lbs (84 kg)
  • Birthday – October 23, 1976 (age 44 years)
  • Birthplace – Vancouver, Canada
  • Profession – Actor, Film Producer, Comedian, and Entrepreneur

Ryan Rodney Reynolds is a popular Canadian-American actor who has done some very famous films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Deadpool, Blade: Trinity, Green Lantern, and more.

In all of these films, his physique was definitely ripped and looked aesthetic. This is one reason why people want to know the Ryan Reynolds workout routine so that they can also follow it and get the same results. Also, check out the Chris Evans workout routine.

Workout Principles

The main exercise principle that Ryan follows is consistency and having a healthy diet.

For exercise, he uses both his body’s own weight and machines. He also does some kind of cardio as it helps in maintaining his weight.

As far as diet is concerned, he prefers to eat 6 times a day. This helps to keep his metabolism active throughout the day. So, his body can burn all the excess fat easily.

Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine

The Ryan Reynolds workout routine has exercises that help him strengthen all the muscle groups throughout his body.

Ryan Reynolds Bodybuilding

When he trains specifically for a film character, he typically spends most of his time in the gym to see his body transform.

He even plays superhero characters onscreen so it is important to look like a superhero. He bulks up and gains massive muscle mass.

Similarly, when he does romantic comedy films having a huge bulky body like that of a superhero, will look a little odd on screen. So, he trains to get lean muscle mass.

Another secret behind his fitness is kickboxing. Many times in films he has to do action scenes so kickboxing helps him prepare for such scenes and also stay active.

Now, let’s take a look at the Ryan Reynolds workout routine in detail…

You can also follow it and get fit.

Monday – Chest, and Core

Ryan focuses on his chest and core muscles on Monday. He does a total of 7 different types of exercises.

  • Sit-ups (50 reps) – 3 sets with a 30-sec rest
  • Barbell Floor Wiper (25 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Cable Fly (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Plate Twist Abs (50 reps) – 3 sets
  • Incline Bench Press (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Bench Press (10 reps) – 3 sets with a min rest
  • Decline Push-ups, Clap, and Walking (12 reps each) – 3 sets

Tuesday – Biceps, and Back

On Tuesday also Ryan does 7 types of exercises that target his biceps and back muscles.

  • Wide-Grip Lateral Pulldown (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Upright Row (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Hammer Curls (12 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Chin-Ups (12 reps) – 3 sets
  • Bent-Over Row (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Bicep 21s (21 reps) – 3 sets

Wednesday – Core, and Shoulders

Ryan exercises his core and shoulder muscles on Wednesday. The core area is the most stubborn part of the body to it is difficult to tone it.

Ryan Reynolds

Therefore, the Ryan Reynolds workout routine includes 7 different types of exercises that target this part of his body.

  • Floor Shoulder Press (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Pulse Up (15 reps) – 3 sets
  • Scissor Kick (15 reps) – 3 sets
  • Overhead Press or Military Press (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Lying Leg Rotation (15 reps) – 3 sets with a 2 min rest
  • Dumbbell Lateral L Raise and External Rotation (12 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Arnold Press (10 reps) – 3 sets

Thursday – Arms, and Legs

On Thursday, Ryan exercises his arms and legs. After all, he has to focus on all of the muscles throughout his body. This workout routine includes 8 exercises in total.

  • Deadlift (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Barbell Lunge (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Crossover Lunge (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Close Grip Bench Press (10 reps) – 3 sets
  • Squats (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Tricep Rope Pushdown (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Dumbbell Curl (12 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Bicep 21s (21 reps) – 3 sets

Friday – Core, Back, and Chest

On Friday, Ryan targets his core, back, and chest muscles by following 9 exercises.

  • Plate Twist Abs (50 reps) – 3 sets
  • Sit-Ups (50 reps) – 3 sets with a 30-sec rest
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Triple-Stop Bench Press (10 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Feet-Elevated Decline Push-up (12 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Barbell Floor Wiper (25 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Pull-ups (10 reps) – 2 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Dumbbell Renegade Row (12 reps) – 3 sets with a 1 min rest
  • Close Grip Push-ups (12 reps) – 3 sets

Saturday, and Sunday – Rest

Saturday and Sunday are the most important days in Ryan Reynolds’s workout routine because he rests on both these days.


When you exercise consistently and diligently, your muscles, bones, and the entire body goes under a lot of stress. If you do not relax and rest to recover then your body can go into overdrive.

This extreme workout without rest can cause serious injuries and health problems. Also, your heart can be under a lot of stress.

So, rest is important to improve your recovery rates. It also improves your performance.

Ryan Reynolds Diet Routine

Bobby Strom is one of the most popular fitness instructors in Hollywood celebrities revealed the Ryan Reynolds diet routine.

According to him, Reynolds follows a strict diet plan to maintain his goals. He keeps eating every 3 hours throughout the day. This helps to increase his metabolism so that he can burn more calories and fats.

Another interesting fact about Ryan Reynolds is that he makes most of his food on his own. He prefers cooking at home instead of eating out.

His meals usually comprise of sautéed fat-free meat combined with seasonings like black pepper, garlic, cayenne pepper, marinara sauce, and sometimes even broccolini.

Now, let’s take a look at the Ryan Reynolds diet routine in detail:

First Meal

  • Oatmeal (one cup)
  • 2 Eggs (only whites)
  • Avocado (1 slice)

Second Meal

  • Protein shake/bar along with a supplement.

Third Meal

  • Chicken or tuna wrap.
  • Salad.

Fourth Meal

  • Protein shake
  • Almonds

Fifth Meal

  • Protein bar
  • More almonds
  • One apple

Sixth Meal

  • Fish
  • Lots of green veggies
  • Salad
  • Brown rice

Ryan Reynolds Diet Routine


With Ryan Reynolds’ workout routine, there may be a possibility that he takes some supplements to boost his workout efforts. These supplements help to improve muscle gains:

  • Multivitamins
  • Whey Protein
  • Creatine
  • L-glutamine
  • CLA

Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine – Conclusion

Celebrities have to work hard to maintain their amazing bodies onscreen and Ryan is doing a lot of hard work for that. Reynolds follows a strict workout and diet routine.

If you want to achieve the same fitness results then you can also start living a healthy and active lifestyle. You can get inspired by his routine and incorporate it into your daily life.

Our Recommendation

Often people feel that if you want a ripped and toned physique then it is not possible with steroids, but, it is not true.

There are many natural bodybuilders in the world, so if you want to go the natural way, just go for it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, and it’s absolutely achievable.

A major problem with steroids is that they can cause side effects. While on the other hand being natural gives you an opportunity to gain muscle mass without side effects.

The best thing for you is to use a steroid alternative. These types of supplements give the same results as steroids but without any side effects, because they are not actually steroids.

One of the most powerful steroid alternatives is Crazybulk D-bal pills. It mimics the steroid Dianabol which has the power to transform your body rapidly.

In fact, Crazybulk D-bal has been in the market for more than 7 years. It has been a leading steroid alternative.

This supplement is clinically tested and proven to give rapid muscle gains without side effects. Plus you feel more energetic and active.

It is a non-prescription supplement that is not illegal or banned.

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Images are taken from Ryan Reynolds Instagram